Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Well my adventures took me to a random shopping Sim located in England, and this place was magical, I even found a shop that sold magic huds.  I almost bought one that would let me rez the dead, Ironically it was down the street from a cemetery.

If you need evidence just look at the picture above how the garbage gets attracted to the garbage cans. I would bet the UK is just a few years from having the technology to put the garbage in the cans next.

Unfortunately I missed my Bus and chased it across the Sim, I guess vehicles don't like me because it took off before I could get seated and I went flying out the back window, luckily without a scratch.

As I brushing off the dust from my clothes I spotted this lucky couple, I think the guy was proposing and the gal was trying to let him down easily.  My guess is its because his clothes wouldn't rez.

Then I found something that caught my eye this beautiful car, so I of course jumped into the car as quickly as I could.  But once again they wouldn't let me drive the car, I swear no one trusts anyone in second life.
So I was forced to keep walking around the sim using my own two feet like a savage and I happened to spot this store.  The name alone drew my attention, so I embarked on a life and death mission to find out what is in "The Blu", and what secrets does this fortress of solitude hold.

Unfortunately my quest only brought me more questions, after searching high and low I only found this mysterious photo and no amount of clicking helped to uncover its mystery.  I think I need to find a better place to explore.

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