Thursday, March 22, 2012

Today I took a visit to the international space museum in Second Life as I wandered around I found the gift shop first, unfortunately they did not have any nuclear weapons for sale so I had to shop elsewhere.  But I did find this big rocket but it was not for sale my bad luck.
I found many rockets for me to look at but nothing that would let me take it for a test flight.
But then I found something that caught my eye a unguarded gate into the back area of the station, looking around I found no one in sight so I decided to sneak into the back as I played around with several things a person shouldn't play.

Then I saw something that happened to catch my eye a hug rocket ready for lift off as I flew up to the top, II quickly strapped myself into the pilots seat as I started to push random buttons hoping that something would happen.

Luckily I think I hit the right button as suddenly the rocket began to leap to life. A countdown began to start as I'm sure some poor person on the ground began to panic as flames began to erupt from behind the rocket as it climbed slowly out of earths orbit, I think mission control crapped there pants as I took a joy ride through space.
Sorry I'm not the best astronaut so the picture isn't the best I managed to dock at the international space station, thank you autopilot.
You thought I was kidding didn't you? Well the bad news is I managed to fall out of the space station as I was wandering around pressing random buttons as I went so I began my safe decent back down to earth the planets newest hero having successfully destroyed the space station.

I did manage to land back on earth safely, I had to do some stuff I am not happy about but that's another story.  I preceded to give a speech to fans about my space exploits as my fans came from every direction mostly police as they waved there guns as they shouted in joy I would assume.  They quickly pulled me away to secret location I assume because I am so famous now.  I'm so lucky =o)

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