Saturday, March 24, 2012

I just happened to be wearing a elvis Costume and riding a tigger when I suddenly fell off a sky box.  the good thing about Tigers they float slowly to the ground so this must be why cats always land on there feet.

Its amazing the things you see while this happens and how many Elvis songs you can sing as you fall do your slow but sudden doom. Time seems to stand still after all
Hmm so do I abandon my tiger and teleport to the ground safely.
Half way down I started to look through my inventory for stuff I haven't worn recently, I tried my ironman outfit but the added weight didn't help get me to the ground any faster that's a shame.

I think I started to see ghosts so I switched to a ghost buster as night approached. I ain't afraid of no ghost.

As night approached I switched to my tron outfit so you could see me a little better, the outfit really didn't help one bit. unfortunately.  I look over my tiger but still no sight of the ground or anything else for that matter.

As day approached I began to search for food the fact that I had not had anything to eat in 24 begins to affect my system as I look around seeing nothing.
I happened to kiss small bird on the way down as I feed it to Tigger my faithful companion as we continue to decend, how high where we I still don't see the ground actually as I type.

I began to dance as I slowly rode my way down to the ground sending signal flares as I got closer to the ground.  Hmm I wonder if going AFK would help any.

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