Thursday, March 15, 2012

Today I figured I would start with a trip to the Acropolis in Greece as I hopping in a undersized Transport and whisked away on another fabulous adventure.  I was greeted by a armed guards as they kept a close eye on me as I took there picture.
I found a set of stairs not too far away as I walked up to see the sites and it was a site to behold.
As I wandered around I happened to find a fancy teleporter on the ground, unfortunately everything was Greek to me so I clicked a random link to see what exciting place I would end up.
Then I saw one of the most exciting sights I could ever see a vehicle just floating in the water as I quickly hoped on and set sail into the Agean Sea as I set sail into uncharted waters looking for adventure.
But alas strong winds carried my ship off course as I quickly found myself stuck on a deserted island, like any good captain I waited to go down with the ship. Then when that didn't work I abandoned ship as I set out to find food and provisions.

 The place was deserted long ago as if the gods of old had left it in ancient times a place long long forgotten.  Then off in the distance I happened to hear a sound as I took off running as fast as my legs could carry me as my heart raced in anticipation.  Then I saw a throne high up on the mountain top as I left up climbing up the grassy slope so steep most people would dare not climb it as I quietly approached the throne I prayed to the gods for giving me deliverance as I took a seat and oversaw my new Kingdom.

Here I sit like the kings of old watching the ocean as I wait, the seconds slowly turned into minutes and the minutes turned to hours as my youth quickly vanished I joined the immortals a god among men, the only thought running my head what good is it to be a god with no mortals to rule over as I slowly rose from my throne and Teleported home.

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