Monday, March 5, 2012

Well after a hard days work I decided to take a random adventure in SL and what better place to start such an adventure than take a ride in the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.  This started off well enough but it seems after a few times around the ride took a turn for the worst.

I ended up flying off the track and flying across the sim, see kids this is why you should follow all the rules and keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times.

Well after jumping out of the ride I was too lazy to walk all the way back so I decided to make the most of my situation and I found this lovely hot dog truck.

So being the guy I am I figured I would take it for a drive and maybe sell a few hot dogs while I was at it and maybe i would make a few extra lindens while I was at it.  Unfortunately every time I tried to take jump in the drives seat it booted me, its like no one trusts anyone any more.  So I decided to leave it on its own and let this poor guy sell his own hot dogs so I started the long walk back when I spotted this cool looking house.

This looks like the perfect place to hang out a house made of candy what more could a guy ask for.  So I let myself in started to wander around this house filled with Candy and see what they had to offer.  

This was actually a very cool house, they didn't have a lot to offer but it was just enough to peek my interest. Plus something smelled really good I couldn't put my finger on it, this place just seemed like the perfect place to sit down and rest for a while.

I was kind of tired anyways so it seemed like a good place to log out from.  Until next time.

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