Sunday, March 11, 2012

Today I decided to try to see how if I could survive during a zombie survival apocalypse so I grabbed a gun and jumped into a zombie filled world.

SO I grabbed a gun and jumped into the world to kill zombies.  Luckily for me the U.S. Seals where available to help me survive.
He was more interested in saving the girl next to me than to keep me safe so that left me on my own.  Luckily I decided to find a nice place to hide from zombies until it was over.  Chucky Cheese seemed like the perfect place to hide this death trap out.

While the place did provide plenty of food for me to eat to survive, the bad part was it was infested with zombie children all looking for a nice human to eat.

I found a nice corner to hide in as I shot wave after wave of children zombies.  Hey I have no guilt at all I don't care what a zombie looks like if they come after me they are dead so I left a trail of blood as I went.  I decided Butt Liquor seemed like a bad place to hang out at. So I moved on quickly as zombies quickly surrounded me.

I decided Butt Liquor seemed like a bad place to hang out at. So I moved on quickly as zombies quickly surrounded me.  I had to find a place to hold out.

Then I found the place of my salvation in the distance something about the building seemed to draw my attention as if it was calling my name.  It was a safe place where no zombies dared to enter.

The place seemed deserted its only patron a ghostly specter hovering around a dance pole, this is not a place to hide this is a place to die I had to get out but where would I go the place is crawling with the undead.

Then I spotted the place the police station I ran as fast as my legs could take me a mob of zombies following my every step as I reached the door I suddenly realized the door was locked.  First the Navy now even the police won't help me.

Luckily as I ran off I spotted this vehicle a beacon of hope to carry me to safety as I hopped but just to my luck another car that would not work for me just my luck as I start running low on health I make one last made dash when I look up and spot something that catches my eye

Zombies are everywhere as I fire round after round the barrel of my gun beginning to overheat, I look up one last time as I cry out in pain as the lunge at me I shout, "YOU BASTARDS YOU KILLED US A....." 


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