Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ok back I am still falling but I do see the ground now I decide to put on something a little more reasonable, well back to Elvis.
I am going to aim for the big piece of land as I decent off to the right on that picture I have plenty of time to aim for it after all.
I pull out my parachute just to be safe but at the rate of decline I don't think I need it apparently I can't walk in the air while riding my tiger thats a shame as well since now I think I will fall closer to the water and I don't think Tigger likes getting wet. Hey Clouds.. =o)

  I also take a picture of the VIP lounge while I fall down I have the time after all.
Hmm I wonder if I will be able to see the sim before I hit the ground as it slowly rezes for me as I fall.

Hey I see Blu from up here the archangel sim owner as I slowly fall down to the ground. I land in the water with a light splash as onlookers laugh at the slowly falling tiger and elvis.
As I land I walk around climb up on the beach as I walk over to the new building what secrets will it hold only time will tell.
I just happened to be wearing a elvis Costume and riding a tigger when I suddenly fell off a sky box.  the good thing about Tigers they float slowly to the ground so this must be why cats always land on there feet.

Its amazing the things you see while this happens and how many Elvis songs you can sing as you fall do your slow but sudden doom. Time seems to stand still after all
Hmm so do I abandon my tiger and teleport to the ground safely.
Half way down I started to look through my inventory for stuff I haven't worn recently, I tried my ironman outfit but the added weight didn't help get me to the ground any faster that's a shame.

I think I started to see ghosts so I switched to a ghost buster as night approached. I ain't afraid of no ghost.

As night approached I switched to my tron outfit so you could see me a little better, the outfit really didn't help one bit. unfortunately.  I look over my tiger but still no sight of the ground or anything else for that matter.

As day approached I began to search for food the fact that I had not had anything to eat in 24 begins to affect my system as I look around seeing nothing.
I happened to kiss small bird on the way down as I feed it to Tigger my faithful companion as we continue to decend, how high where we I still don't see the ground actually as I type.

I began to dance as I slowly rode my way down to the ground sending signal flares as I got closer to the ground.  Hmm I wonder if going AFK would help any.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Today I took a visit to the international space museum in Second Life as I wandered around I found the gift shop first, unfortunately they did not have any nuclear weapons for sale so I had to shop elsewhere.  But I did find this big rocket but it was not for sale my bad luck.
I found many rockets for me to look at but nothing that would let me take it for a test flight.
But then I found something that caught my eye a unguarded gate into the back area of the station, looking around I found no one in sight so I decided to sneak into the back as I played around with several things a person shouldn't play.

Then I saw something that happened to catch my eye a hug rocket ready for lift off as I flew up to the top, II quickly strapped myself into the pilots seat as I started to push random buttons hoping that something would happen.

Luckily I think I hit the right button as suddenly the rocket began to leap to life. A countdown began to start as I'm sure some poor person on the ground began to panic as flames began to erupt from behind the rocket as it climbed slowly out of earths orbit, I think mission control crapped there pants as I took a joy ride through space.
Sorry I'm not the best astronaut so the picture isn't the best I managed to dock at the international space station, thank you autopilot.
You thought I was kidding didn't you? Well the bad news is I managed to fall out of the space station as I was wandering around pressing random buttons as I went so I began my safe decent back down to earth the planets newest hero having successfully destroyed the space station.

I did manage to land back on earth safely, I had to do some stuff I am not happy about but that's another story.  I preceded to give a speech to fans about my space exploits as my fans came from every direction mostly police as they waved there guns as they shouted in joy I would assume.  They quickly pulled me away to secret location I assume because I am so famous now.  I'm so lucky =o)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Today I figured I would start with a trip to the Acropolis in Greece as I hopping in a undersized Transport and whisked away on another fabulous adventure.  I was greeted by a armed guards as they kept a close eye on me as I took there picture.
I found a set of stairs not too far away as I walked up to see the sites and it was a site to behold.
As I wandered around I happened to find a fancy teleporter on the ground, unfortunately everything was Greek to me so I clicked a random link to see what exciting place I would end up.
Then I saw one of the most exciting sights I could ever see a vehicle just floating in the water as I quickly hoped on and set sail into the Agean Sea as I set sail into uncharted waters looking for adventure.
But alas strong winds carried my ship off course as I quickly found myself stuck on a deserted island, like any good captain I waited to go down with the ship. Then when that didn't work I abandoned ship as I set out to find food and provisions.

 The place was deserted long ago as if the gods of old had left it in ancient times a place long long forgotten.  Then off in the distance I happened to hear a sound as I took off running as fast as my legs could carry me as my heart raced in anticipation.  Then I saw a throne high up on the mountain top as I left up climbing up the grassy slope so steep most people would dare not climb it as I quietly approached the throne I prayed to the gods for giving me deliverance as I took a seat and oversaw my new Kingdom.

Here I sit like the kings of old watching the ocean as I wait, the seconds slowly turned into minutes and the minutes turned to hours as my youth quickly vanished I joined the immortals a god among men, the only thought running my head what good is it to be a god with no mortals to rule over as I slowly rose from my throne and Teleported home.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Today I decided to try to see how if I could survive during a zombie survival apocalypse so I grabbed a gun and jumped into a zombie filled world.

SO I grabbed a gun and jumped into the world to kill zombies.  Luckily for me the U.S. Seals where available to help me survive.
He was more interested in saving the girl next to me than to keep me safe so that left me on my own.  Luckily I decided to find a nice place to hide from zombies until it was over.  Chucky Cheese seemed like the perfect place to hide this death trap out.

While the place did provide plenty of food for me to eat to survive, the bad part was it was infested with zombie children all looking for a nice human to eat.

I found a nice corner to hide in as I shot wave after wave of children zombies.  Hey I have no guilt at all I don't care what a zombie looks like if they come after me they are dead so I left a trail of blood as I went.  I decided Butt Liquor seemed like a bad place to hang out at. So I moved on quickly as zombies quickly surrounded me.

I decided Butt Liquor seemed like a bad place to hang out at. So I moved on quickly as zombies quickly surrounded me.  I had to find a place to hold out.

Then I found the place of my salvation in the distance something about the building seemed to draw my attention as if it was calling my name.  It was a safe place where no zombies dared to enter.

The place seemed deserted its only patron a ghostly specter hovering around a dance pole, this is not a place to hide this is a place to die I had to get out but where would I go the place is crawling with the undead.

Then I spotted the place the police station I ran as fast as my legs could take me a mob of zombies following my every step as I reached the door I suddenly realized the door was locked.  First the Navy now even the police won't help me.

Luckily as I ran off I spotted this vehicle a beacon of hope to carry me to safety as I hopped but just to my luck another car that would not work for me just my luck as I start running low on health I make one last made dash when I look up and spot something that catches my eye

Zombies are everywhere as I fire round after round the barrel of my gun beginning to overheat, I look up one last time as I cry out in pain as the lunge at me I shout, "YOU BASTARDS YOU KILLED US A....." 


Saturday, March 10, 2012

We had a great day we had a cowboy Bridal party that was crazy we had a great time dancing for the lovely ladies, I think I lost my clothes somewhere so if any of you ladies find them laying around you can keep them I have extra's.  Thanks again for a great time, I have danced with a little pig, sorry I wanted to be respectful so I didn't take any pictures.
Just some Hm news we got a brand new artist who does amazing work stop by the club to see some of his work hanging around.   It was a slow day so I went to go spend time out on the beach for a little while.  I even took a ride on our private train, it broke shortly after I touched it just my luck.

Unfortunately there is only so much trouble a guy can have alone on a empty beach.

Hmm maybe if I can think hard I can create some trouble of my own later tonight

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Well my adventures took me to a random shopping Sim located in England, and this place was magical, I even found a shop that sold magic huds.  I almost bought one that would let me rez the dead, Ironically it was down the street from a cemetery.

If you need evidence just look at the picture above how the garbage gets attracted to the garbage cans. I would bet the UK is just a few years from having the technology to put the garbage in the cans next.

Unfortunately I missed my Bus and chased it across the Sim, I guess vehicles don't like me because it took off before I could get seated and I went flying out the back window, luckily without a scratch.

As I brushing off the dust from my clothes I spotted this lucky couple, I think the guy was proposing and the gal was trying to let him down easily.  My guess is its because his clothes wouldn't rez.

Then I found something that caught my eye this beautiful car, so I of course jumped into the car as quickly as I could.  But once again they wouldn't let me drive the car, I swear no one trusts anyone in second life.
So I was forced to keep walking around the sim using my own two feet like a savage and I happened to spot this store.  The name alone drew my attention, so I embarked on a life and death mission to find out what is in "The Blu", and what secrets does this fortress of solitude hold.

Unfortunately my quest only brought me more questions, after searching high and low I only found this mysterious photo and no amount of clicking helped to uncover its mystery.  I think I need to find a better place to explore.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Well after a hard days work I decided to take a random adventure in SL and what better place to start such an adventure than take a ride in the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.  This started off well enough but it seems after a few times around the ride took a turn for the worst.

I ended up flying off the track and flying across the sim, see kids this is why you should follow all the rules and keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times.

Well after jumping out of the ride I was too lazy to walk all the way back so I decided to make the most of my situation and I found this lovely hot dog truck.

So being the guy I am I figured I would take it for a drive and maybe sell a few hot dogs while I was at it and maybe i would make a few extra lindens while I was at it.  Unfortunately every time I tried to take jump in the drives seat it booted me, its like no one trusts anyone any more.  So I decided to leave it on its own and let this poor guy sell his own hot dogs so I started the long walk back when I spotted this cool looking house.

This looks like the perfect place to hang out a house made of candy what more could a guy ask for.  So I let myself in started to wander around this house filled with Candy and see what they had to offer.  

This was actually a very cool house, they didn't have a lot to offer but it was just enough to peek my interest. Plus something smelled really good I couldn't put my finger on it, this place just seemed like the perfect place to sit down and rest for a while.

I was kind of tired anyways so it seemed like a good place to log out from.  Until next time.