Sunday, April 22, 2012

Massive Cruise Ship Adventure.

Today I ended up on the SS Galaxy sim a cruise ship so large it takes up three sims, it sounded like a good place to visit, I mean what could go wrong?  I started off entering the ships through the entry port, for some reason I thought about pulling out a gun for this visit you know for protection.  Who knows I might encounter zombies on this ship after all.

I wandered around finding plenty of dress stores and the local movie theater on the back of the ship.  I tried to watch a movie but they didnt have anythign playing so I went to the top of the ship to see what excitement they had up there.
  Here I found a few things of interest as I stole a segway scooter someone left laying around after all walking is so overrated.
During my exploration I quickly found the zip line, I'm sure its perfectly OSHA improved after all its not like you could fall into smoke stack or anything.

The zip line was fun unfortunately I fell off the ship luckily for me they had life preservers for such a case.  This happened to me at least three times while I explored the sim.
Next I decided to raid the ship bridge, luckily for me it was unguarded as i took control of the ship.

 Unfortunately security was onto me, I didn't make it very far stealing this massive ship as I was quickly booted out before I could cause any more damage.  I did manage to make a few long distance calls while I was at it. 

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