Friday, April 13, 2012

Oriantal Castle Sim

So I managed to find this very strange Sim and it turned out to be really cool lots of places for me to get lost with relative ease.

I started to wander around as I tried to make my way upstairs to see what kind of wonders they kept hidden away that I could borrow without the intent of returning.

Instead I was quickly converted to Buddhism during my trip, it didn't last once I left the temple at the top I took a leap of faith from the tower into a bail of hail as I slipped away into the night.  Sorry for the Assassins Creed reference.  I then began to wonder the courtyard as I looked for trouble.

The place was so Tranquil as I sat and meditated for about 3 seconds before I couldn't take it any longer as I quickly got up and continued to wander around to see what other sites I could find and boy did I find some nice stuff.

I found the Clan Iga Ninja super secret headquarters as I wandered in unopposed as I quickly found there mailbox where I could put in a assassination attempt on someone.  With a lack of names I wandered on as I went to see what other sites I could find in this Sim.

I found this really classy Strip club as well, at least I think it was a strip club, the place was so backed I could barely get in as I pushed a few people aside to even get in the club.  I did not even see one ugly dancer in the entire club I felt ashamed to look so noobish compared to everyone else in the club so I left to finish my exploration of the Sim.

I ended my trip with a stop by the water front as I practiced some Tie Chi as the waves crashed against the shore as I showed off my grand master moves that I can only do in Second Life.

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