Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Worlds shortest Hot air baloon

Today I decided to go on a hot air balloon ride in SL.

Unfortunately I seemed to draw a short straw and ended up getting a pink hot air balloon to fly around in and no matter what I try to do it won't change colors.

Like any trooper after a bit of trying I board my hot air balloon and one of the first things I see is this nifty looking church in the distance.  I might need to see if they will let me drive on this road later on.  Plus I still can't believe I got a pink hot air balloon.

Windmill, still cooler than riding in a pink balloon.

Cool looking harbor, also cooler than a pink hot air balloon, I'm just saying.

 Then I saw this really cool pirate ship, so i decided to ditch the pink balloon, it was a sad moment at first, but I got over it in about 3 seconds.  But then as fate has it this is private land as pirates quickly swarm me before I could rez a sword to defend myself and they have a secret weapon a security orb my one weakness as I am sent home before I can get any further pictures.  I thought about trying to go back but the sim was acting up and I figured they wouldn't let me steal a pirate ship anyways.

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