Sunday, April 22, 2012

Massive Cruise Ship Adventure.

Today I ended up on the SS Galaxy sim a cruise ship so large it takes up three sims, it sounded like a good place to visit, I mean what could go wrong?  I started off entering the ships through the entry port, for some reason I thought about pulling out a gun for this visit you know for protection.  Who knows I might encounter zombies on this ship after all.

I wandered around finding plenty of dress stores and the local movie theater on the back of the ship.  I tried to watch a movie but they didnt have anythign playing so I went to the top of the ship to see what excitement they had up there.
  Here I found a few things of interest as I stole a segway scooter someone left laying around after all walking is so overrated.
During my exploration I quickly found the zip line, I'm sure its perfectly OSHA improved after all its not like you could fall into smoke stack or anything.

The zip line was fun unfortunately I fell off the ship luckily for me they had life preservers for such a case.  This happened to me at least three times while I explored the sim.
Next I decided to raid the ship bridge, luckily for me it was unguarded as i took control of the ship.

 Unfortunately security was onto me, I didn't make it very far stealing this massive ship as I was quickly booted out before I could cause any more damage.  I did manage to make a few long distance calls while I was at it. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

All by myself

We got a new Sex bed in the club  so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to throw a few more sheep into the club and see what kind of poses I could put them in on the bed. 

I think my creativity was a little limted tonight, I mean three sheep on a bed the opportunities where endless but all I wanted to do was to put them into a pyramid for some odd reason.  Maybe latter this week I can find something better to blog about until then enjoy.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Oriantal Castle Sim

So I managed to find this very strange Sim and it turned out to be really cool lots of places for me to get lost with relative ease.

I started to wander around as I tried to make my way upstairs to see what kind of wonders they kept hidden away that I could borrow without the intent of returning.

Instead I was quickly converted to Buddhism during my trip, it didn't last once I left the temple at the top I took a leap of faith from the tower into a bail of hail as I slipped away into the night.  Sorry for the Assassins Creed reference.  I then began to wonder the courtyard as I looked for trouble.

The place was so Tranquil as I sat and meditated for about 3 seconds before I couldn't take it any longer as I quickly got up and continued to wander around to see what other sites I could find and boy did I find some nice stuff.

I found the Clan Iga Ninja super secret headquarters as I wandered in unopposed as I quickly found there mailbox where I could put in a assassination attempt on someone.  With a lack of names I wandered on as I went to see what other sites I could find in this Sim.

I found this really classy Strip club as well, at least I think it was a strip club, the place was so backed I could barely get in as I pushed a few people aside to even get in the club.  I did not even see one ugly dancer in the entire club I felt ashamed to look so noobish compared to everyone else in the club so I left to finish my exploration of the Sim.

I ended my trip with a stop by the water front as I practiced some Tie Chi as the waves crashed against the shore as I showed off my grand master moves that I can only do in Second Life.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

President Brasidas

So how did it all come to this, what is the word coming to you might ask. 

How did I end up in the white house running one of the largest countries in the world? Well that is a interesting story actually.  It all started in a small town, well this small town.

Ok the photo isn't the greatest but you get the idea population 6 people for now.  I happened to be exploring the usual way walking the wrong way down a one way street when I noticed a door the local firehouse was open. SO I decided to check it out.

After updating a few records on the police computers I happened to walk in and see a class full of people.  Since it was a fire station I thought it was appropriate to teach them everything I new about how to become professional arsonists.  None of my students accomplished anything of merit but one of them did end up on the FBI most wanted list.

Unfortunately the authorities didn't like my class very much, they threw me behind bars for all my hard work. So what does this have anything to do with me sitting in the big chair at the white house you might ask?

Well I can't let you know all my secrets now can I =o)  Well maybe one more.

That book has all the answers you will ever need. I'm just saying its pure gold, it has all the tips you will ever need to get to sit in the white house you just need to find it in a book store near you.  I hear Borders has it now.

Plus sitting in the white house has plenty of perks Second Life never has any problems running on the white house computer after all.  Plus I like to keep my nuclear suitcase near by just in case I want to start a needless war.  Just remember if you vote for me for another 4 years I promise a pie in everyone refrigerator, just ignore my plans of world domination as well as my other policies I plan to not follow through on.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Look at this taken moments ago at HnH

I think Cat is so going to kill me for this.