Sunday, July 1, 2012

Neverland Ranch in SL

Its been a while since i updated my blog, but I was talked into visiting Neverland ranch a few months ago so I decided to stop on by.
It seemed a safe place at first that is until, I walked through the front gate.  I was greated by either statues or pictures of kids at ever step of the way.
Why those where bad the music was even worse, it was a love song that just added to the creep factor as I wandered around the sim.
The house in itself had a very unusual layout, it was easy to get lost in this house, the strangest part was in the bathroom I could not find any toilet whatsoever, I mean where does one relieve themselves in this place.
Between the kid statues that I refused to take a picture of and the no toilet I bolted out of the house and found the Neverland Amusement Park in back, this sim is huge.
Neverland offers a world of amenities including a free car pictured above, it was not worth stealing so I left it to find a better ride, unfortunately my reputation precedes me since they had a gate in front of the bumper cars thwarting yet another attempt of me taking rides everywhere i go.

I found the Neverland theater and gave the audience a showing of my thriller dance, the dance was so spectacular there was not a dry eye in the house.
I next found the Neverland zoo, they even let the lions run free, luckily I didn't see any limbs of small children near by apparently even the lions don't like the creepy kid statues and learned to stay away.

It was a fun place to visit but I decided it was time to run for the hills after all a guy can only take so much weirdness, I mean how can you have two bathrooms and not a single toilet, maybe they use the pool for that kind of thing, just a thought.  Until next time.