Saturday, February 25, 2012

Brasidas leaps on stage as he looks at the empty club minus a few dancing lambs as he frowns at the lack of VIP.  then as a VIP shows up his eyes light up as he suddenly leaps to life as a surge of adrenaline runs through his body.  The lack of sleep no longer holds him, he is free, he dances as the lights flash across his body the sweat gleams to the lovely VIP as he looks down at her a look of lust in his eyes and a half smile on his face.  he greats you with a friendly hello and you feel like you are at home with your best friend. 

The Life of a Second Life Dancer
Like I promised a Picture of Cat and Minxie making out.

Hello Second Life

Hmm, I have no clue what to blog about maybe I should threaten to eat Cooked Larry,... I mean Lamb again that always seems to get things going.

The club has been hoping lately,  We got a few brand new dancers this week big congratulations to MasterCurt.  Also we had some lesbian action going on between Minxie and Cat this morning I should get pictures uploaded.  They are hot.  =o)

Also rumor has it Blu has a newbie cock, I haven't confirmed this rumor yet so take it as such.